Welcome to the Department of Physics and Photon Science
Research Highlights & News
Meet our Scientists

Tae Gyu Pak
Dr. Tae Gyu Pak is a scientist who researches laser-matter interaction using ultra-intense lasers. From his master’s course, he received training at the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS) and participated in many experiments such as laser wakefield electron acceleration, and radiation measurements from charged particles. He suggested a new terahertz wave generation mechanism from laser wakefield electron acceleration in the doctoral course. Also developed optical systems to stabilize laser beam pointing in large laser research facilities. Dr. Tae Gyu Pak is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the CoReLS. His main research areas are terahertz physics, laser wakefield electron acceleration, and laser-plasma interaction at ultra-high intensity.
– Tae Gyu Pak
Post-Doc researcher at the CoReLS
Colloquium & Seminar
제목 | 작성일 |
2025학년도 대학원 가을학기 전형 물리광과학과 오픈랩 개최 안내
2025-03-10 |
2025학년도 봄학기 수강신청 안내 (Course Registration of AY 2025 Spring Session)
2025-01-22 |
[대외협력처] 캠페인"나누면 더 커집니다"
2024-12-02 |
2025학년도 1학기 GIFT 및 대학원 과정변경 선발 안내(Guidelines for GIFT and Change in Graduate Degree Program)
2024-11-08 |
2025년 동계 인턴십 프로그램 신청 접수 안내
2024-11-07 |