콜로퀴움 & 세미나

Colloquium & Seminar

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[Colloquium] 2023.11.29.(WED) / Prof. Sungwoo Hong (KAIST) / Generalized Global Symmetries in Particle Physics

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[Colloquium] 2023.11.22.(WED) / Prof. Jae Hoon Kim (Yonsei Univ.) / Terahertz Spectroscopy of Solids

콜로퀴움 공지2023.jpg Dr.이정현

[Special Seminar] 2023.11.16.(THU) / Dr. 이정현 (KIST) / Coarse-grained quantum state tomography with optimal quantum measurement (POVM) construction

콜로퀴움 공지2023.jpg Prof.Ryo Toyoshima

[Special Seminar] 2023.11.16.(THU) / Prof. Ryo Toyoshima (Keio University) / In situ / operando spectroscopic measurements for understanding surface functional materials under working conditions

콜로퀴움 공지2023 Andreas Heinrich

[Colloquium] 2023.11.15.(WED) / Prof. Prof. Andreas Heinrich ( Ewha Womans Univ.) / Towards Quantum Computing with Spins on Surfaces

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[Colloquium] 2023.11.8.(WED) / Prof. Yong-il Shin (Seoul National Univ.) / Turbulence in atomic superfluid gases

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[Colloquium] 2023.11.1.(WED) / Prof. Se Young Park (Soongsil Univ.) / Designing materials with switchable polarizations by artificial structuring

콜로퀴움 공지2023 1 Prof. Julien Fuchs

[Colloquium] 2023.10.19.(THU) / Prof. Julien FUCHS (Ecole Polytechnique, France) / Science on high power lasers and plasma

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[Colloquium] 2023.10.18.(WED) / 염주석 변리사 (특허법인 위더피플) / 기술이전을 잘 하기 위한 특허 만들기

대표이미지 이종석

[Lunch Meeting] 2023.10.13.(금) / Prof. 이종석 / 빛-물질 상호작용 실험 연구