콜로퀴움 & 세미나

Colloquium & Seminar

20230912 170204

[Colloquium] 2023.9.6.(WED) / Prof. Hyyong Suk (GIST) / Interactions of an intense laser pulse and plasma

20230602 170908

[Colloquium] 2023.5.24.(WED) / Prof. Byoung-Ick Cho (GIST) / Laser plasma and Laboratory astrophysics

콜로퀴움 공지2023 1 Dr. 손영우

[Colloquium] 2023.5.17.(WED) / Dr. Young-Woo Son (KIAS) / Computational Condensed Matters and Future of Computing Machines

콜로퀴움 공지2023 1 Prof.공홍진 1

[Colloquium] 2023.5.10.(WED) / Prof. Hong Jin Kong (KAIST) / Present and future of laser fusion

20230510 112545

[Colloquium] 2023.5.3.(WED) / Prof. Kang Sin Choi (Ewha Womans Univ.) / 왼손과 오른손, 입자와 끈

콜로퀴움 공지2023 1 Dr.장지승

[Colloquium] 2023.4.26.(WED) / Dr. Jee Seung Jang (GIST) / 입자 사냥꾼들의 이야기 – 유령입자, 중성미자를 찾아서

강연 이미지

[Colloquium] 2023.4.12.(WED) / Prof. Sang June Hahn (Chung-Ang Univ.) / Radiation hydrodynamics in high energy density plasmas

Colloquium Fig

[Colloquium] 2023.4.5.(WED) / Prof. Jae-Won Jang (Dongguk Univ.) / Scanning Probe Microscopy as a Tool to Study Surface Plasmon

20230331 092841

[Colloquium] 2023.3.29.(WED) / Dr. Yong-Su Kim (KIST) / Towards useful photonic quantum information processors

20230330 161854

[Colloquium] 2023.3.22.(WED) / Prof. Se-Young Jeong (Pusan National Univ.) / Oxidation physics and metaltronics using single-crystal copper thin film grown by atomic sputtering epitaxy (ASE)