콜로퀴움 & 세미나

Colloquium & Seminar

20221017 153847

[Colloquium] 2022.10.12.(WED), ZOOM / Prof. Dongmin Gang (Seoul National Univ.) / 양자장론의 범용성

20221017 104702

[Colloquium] 2022.10.5.(WED) / Prof. Ara Go (Chonnam National Univ.) / Computational approach to strongly correlated electron system


[Colloquium] 2022.9.28.(WED) / Prof. Hyoung Joon Choi (Yonsei Univ.) / Two-dimensional Material Research

[Colloquium] 2022.9.21.(WED) / Prof. Kyungwon An (Seoul National Univ.) / Superradiance, superabsorption and a quantum engine

[Colloquium] 2022.9.14.(WED) / Dr. Inhyuk Nam (PAL-XFEL) / Present and future of X-ray Free electron lasers

20220915 100444

[Colloquium] 2022.9.7.(WED) / Prof. Hee-Cheol Kim (POSTEH) / New Paradigms in Quantum Field Theory

20220908 090526

2022년도 2학기 콜로퀴움 일정표

20220615 085754

[Colloquium] 2022.6.8.(WED) / Dr. Sung Jong Yoo (KIST) / Nanoarchitecture and Catalyst Designs for Fuel Cell and Water Splitting Applications

20220527 085713

[Colloquium] 2022.5.25.(WED) / Prof. Chang-Hee Cho (DGIST) / Excitons in semiconductors: Light-matter interactions

이미지 정의헌교수님

[Colloquium] 2022.5.18.(WED) / Prof. Euihun Joung (Kyung Hee University) / 양자, 중력 그리고 무한대