Colloquium & Seminar

[Colloquium] 2023.3.15.(WED) / Prof. Dong Hyun Cho (Korea Univ.) / Use of spin-orbit coupling to manipulate atomic motion

[Special Seminar] 2023.2.23.(THU), 15:00~17:00 / Dr. 박성훈(IBS 기초과학연구원) / Anyons: from Fermions and Bosons to Majorana Fermions

[Special Seminar] 2023.2.17.(FRI), 14:00~17:00 / Prof. Nojoon Myoung (Chosun University) / Spintronics Tutorial on KWANT package: an easy, efficient, and useful method for numerical calculations of low-dimensional electronic systems

[Special Seminar] 2023.2.8.(WED), 14:00~16:00 / Prof. Soong-Geun Je (Chonnam National University) / Spintronics and toward quantum spintronics

[Special Seminar] 2022.12.6.(TUE) 13:30 /Prof. 송봉식 (성균관대학교) / 높은 Q값을 갖는 SiC 광나노 공진기 및 비선형 광효과 증대

[Colloquium] 2022.11.30.(WED) / Dr. Suyong Jung (KRISS) / All van der Waals spintronic and superconducting devices

[Colloquium] 2022.11.23.(WED) / Prof. Dongbin Shin (GIST) / Light-induced phenomena in condensed matter system from ab initio approach

[Colloquium] 2022.11.16.(WED) / Prof. Jonghwan Kim (POSTEH)/ Controlling strong-field optical response of massless Dirac fermions in graphene

[Colloquium] 2022.11.9.(WED) / Dr. Junghyun Lee (KIST)/ Solid-state embedded defect spins for quantum technology