콜로퀴움 & 세미나

Colloquium & Seminar

20220518 091345

[Colloquium] 2022.5.11.(WED) / Prof. Meesoon Ha (Chosun University) / Universality of Dynamic Phase Transitions in Complex Systems

20220428 121316

[Colloquium] 2022.5.4.(WED) / Prof. Chang-Jong Kang (Chungnam National University) / Nature of electronic correlations in the infinite-layer nickelate superconductors and hidden Hund’s physics

20220502 151825

[Colloquium] 2022.4.27.(WED) / Dr. Sung-Ju Kang (Gwacheon National Science Museum) / Exploration to the Exoplanets and JWST

20220408 102402

[Colloquium] 2022.4.13.(WED) / Prof. Jun Sung Kim (POSTECH) / Large magnetotransport responses of topological van der Waals magents


[Colloquium] 2022.4.6.(WED) / Dr. Gahyun Choi (KRISS) / 초전도 회로 기반 양자컴퓨팅 시스템


[Colloquium] 2022.3.30.(WED) / Prof. Donggyu Kim (KAIST) / Spin-based coding of optical imaging systems

이미지 2.정동희 1

[Colloquium] 2022.3.23.(WED) / Prof. Seok Kim (Seoul National Univ.) / 블랙홀의 양자물리

이미지 1. 김창영

[Colloquium] 2022.3.16.(WED) / Prof. Donghui Jeong (Pennsylvania State Univ.) / Searching for dark-matter black holes from LVK gravitational wave detectors

이미지 3.김석

[Colloquium] 2022.3.2.(WED) / Prof. Changyoung Kim (SNU) / Searching for new electronic properties in correlated material flatland

20220406 101823

Colloquium Schedule in Spring 2022